Friday, October 31, 2014

magnolia fall workshop 2014: top 10 edition

No need to call 911, I'll be here FOREVER.
How much fun did I have at the Magnolia fall workshop? Answer: More fun than a barrel of monkeys. is that fun? Sounds like PETA needs to be involved.

Anyway, I had such a ridiculous time. I will make a list of why because I love lists. Also note, there will be hashtags involved because I love them, and this is my blog, and I can do whatever I want because (as I've said before) you're not the boss of me.

1. Everyone was perfect, but in a good/not intimidating way. The people were so sweet, they made my teeth hurt. Seriously, where do they find these people? Does Magnolia genetically engineer these precious little 20-somethings in a lab? They were kind, genuine, attentive, and over-the-top nice. Cute little girls with their cute bangs and their cute wedges: check. Fun hipster dude serving Arnold Palmers and making small talk: check. Gorgeous little peanut intern with amazing hair and those dorky/cute glasses that makes you feel like YOU ARE ALL THAT MATTERS IN THE WHOLE WORLD: check. #lovemesomeyounghipsters #theywereprecious #isoundsoold 

2. Everything was perfect. Chip was a the door greeting everyone. #endofstory #everyoneisachipfan #ifnotyouarewrong

3. But seriously, everything was perfect. There was a cute little thing grabbing everyone's camera as they walked in to take their picture with Chip (no selfies necessary). There were people that seemed genuinely thrilled you were there. There was a meet and greet line to Joanna where, again, they took your phone to get your picture with her. They were so accomodating, and planned every little detail. The decor...don't even get me started: handmade, natural, easy, doable, totally Joanna. 

4. The food. I mean....the tomato bisque was to die for, the cupcakes were so good I wanted to not only slap my mama, but my entire family, and the sliders with pineapple slaw #SHUT YOUR FACE. 

5. Chip & Joanna are the real deal. Well, my friend and I think she might be a space alien because she is perfect. Seriously perfect. She could not possibly have birthed all those kids (she is tiny). Really. Don't even get me started on her hair. There are Disney princesses that would have a fistfight for her hair. Rapunzel Shmupunzel. Oh, and Chip...I can't even. He is hilarious. Every word out of his mouth had us all rolling. Bless Joanna's heart. #blessit

6. The venue. Dear heavens, can I move in? The floors, the brick, the decorations. GAH. It was all perfect. No, I don't have pictures. I know, shame on me. I think I was too overwhelmed with it all to even process the whole "taking pictures" thing. #facepalm

7. The booty. We came home with some booty y'all. Banners, giant bird nests, swag bags, chalkboard printable. #feltlikeacelebrity #nophotosplease

8. The people. Y'all, there were some cool people there. If you are in Instagram and put the little hashtags (#magnolinagatherings or #fallworkshop2014), then I have probably semi-stalked you (but not in a weird way...don't panic). To me, if you love Chip & Joanna like I do, then we are kindred spirits and I want to know you. Is that weird? Gosh, maybe it is. If it is, forget what I just said. It was the post-workshop excitement talking.

9. The shop. Okay, so this isn't "technically" part of the workshop, but it kind of is. I have to talk about their shop on Bosque though. It is heaven. I could have spend a million dollars in there. It is a perfect blend of old and new, feminine and rustic, farmhouse and farmhouse (hey, why mess with farmhouse when it is the perfect style anyway #amiright?). I loved every.single.thing. I would totally move there to work in that shop. I mean, all I kept thinking was, "Do these cute little employees understand how perfect their lives are, or are they oblivious because they are smack in the middle of it everyday and it pays their bills?" Honestly, I don't know. I would work there for free (and maybe a discount). I seriously need to move to Waco. #iworkfordiscounts #wanttobejojosbff #notastalker

10. Their hearts. I knew that Chip and Joanna were amazing at their craft (Oh wow...designer moment, just used the word craft. I need a second here...), but they also have the most amazing hearts. Everyone we talked to that worked with them said the same thing (maybe it is because they were programmed in the lab...just a theory), "They are so genuine and amazing to work for". I can totally see it. Their work is their ministry. People are drawn to them for their genuineness. God's hand is all over what they are doing, and they are not doing it for their own glory, but His. That is the best thing I took away from the workshop. There are still good people doing God's work that are impacting people in ways that you would never imagine. I mean, really. A cute little couple from Waco, Texas with adorable kids, a picturesque farm, and a design/home renovation business are killing it on a home and garden network, and are doing it for the right reasons. #refreshing #togodbetheglory #amenandamen #handstotheheavens

So, there you have it. My top ten. Oh, and if you are one of those "kindred spirits" I spoke about, please follow me on all social media. We can be friends. We can braid each other's hair and make friendship bracelets, or we can just social media stalk each other. Whatever. 

Oh, and I will be putting some great new pieces in the shop this weekend. Oh my goodness, I am just feeling so darn inspired. Gotta go work...

Bless y'all!


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