I have been watching the new series Tiny House Nation, and can I just say, GAH!!! I want one. Just think about the advantages:
- being able to clean your whole house in 30 minutes #winning
- less clothes...less laundry #nudistsdontseemsocrazy
- the freedom of no mortgage #daveramseywouldbeproud
- less of an environmental footprint #weonlyhaveoneearth
- mobility #maybealaska #yeahright
- The less you have, the less you have to maintain. #myhubbyagrees
- less time handcuffed to housework = more time with the snacking, clothes changing, messy kids #halleluyer
- no more clutter #cluttermakesmelosemyshizz
The only disadvantages I can see are:
- No Christmas tree (seriously...this is a biggie for me)...I could do this though:
Ikea fabric tree #icoulddigit - I might possibly consider taking up drinking if I have to be within 3 arm's length of any human being for more than 8 hours a day. #ineedtointrovert
- Where would all of our stuff go? #noreallywherewoulditgo
- I must have a tub and real toilet. #noneofthatcompostingnonsense
- the noise of being so close #lotsofnoisemakesmecranky
So, there you go. If you still don't see the appeal, I leave you with this my friends:
tiny storybook house |
Cutest house ever. End of story.
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